Benjamin Deguenon
Painter | Benin
Benjamin Deguenon (1982) creates sculptures, paintings, drawings and installations in his own unique primitive style, reminiscent of Basquiat and Miró, revealing an associative imagery full of stories.

I am fascinated by relationships in life, how everything is connected and how actions and reactions shape the world we live in.
We can act as victims or prisoners of circumstances or we can start a dialogue
to create mutual awareness
and understanding,
reach out beyond our own personal interest to reshape a better future."
Benjamin Deguenon (1982) is an autodidact artist from Benin, who received his artistic formation through his 5-year apprenticeship with the well recognized Beninese artist Dominic Zinkpé and various other trainings through ESMA and international residencies.
His world is populated with extravagant creatures with beaks, claws, talons, tails, straight out of the flute of an urban Pan, chimeras stemming from a personal mythology which he removes from the street, from the city, from life. Quartered without disenchantment between before and now, it draws as one spreads its wings, from above, sweeping the landscape from the heights to get an overview. In his sculptures and installations, Deguenon recuperates and recovers from everyday life to sew up his investigations, from his childhood to invent an urban mythology. Not only recovers materials, techniques, the idea of communion between man and nature, he recovers his anxieties from the intimate to deliver those of others, in fact a pantheon of unrealities, in wood, adorned with iron, adorned with fabrics, installations-exorcisms that expose him.
His beautiful energy, the projection of a fury to exist in a mutant society where the sacred withers away where individuals get lost, is channeled into the drawings that extend his approach on a more fragile medium, with more sensitive tools. In his latest series of paintings, Deguenon cuts back to a minimalistic colour palette, enforcing the power of his imagary.
Deguenon has participated in many group and solo exhibitions in Benin, Senegal, Togo and France. His works can be found in several international collections and publications on Beninese art.

Benjamin Deguenon (1982) is an autodidact artist from Benin, who received his artistic formation through his 5-year apprenticeship with the well recognized Beninese artist Dominic Zinkpé and various other trainings through ESMA and international residencies.
His world is populated with extravagant creatures with beaks, claws, talons, tails, straight out of the flute of an urban Pan, chimeras stemming from a personal mythology which he removes from the street, from the city, from life. Quartered without disenchantment between before and now, it draws as one spreads its wings, from above, sweeping the landscape from the heights to get an overview. In his sculptures and installations, Deguenon recuperates and recovers from everyday life to sew up his investigations, from his childhood to invent an urban mythology. Not only recovers materials, techniques, the idea of communion between man and nature, he recovers his anxieties from the intimate to deliver those of others, in fact a pantheon of unrealities, in wood, adorned with iron, adorned with fabrics, installations-exorcisms that expose him.
His beautiful energy, the projection of a fury to exist in a mutant society where the sacred withers away and where individuals get lost, is channeled into the drawings that extend his approach on a more fragile medium, with more sensitive tools. In his latest series of paintings, Deguenon cuts back to a minimalistic colour palette, enforcing the power of his imagery.
Deguenon has participated in many group and solo exhibitions in Benin, Senegal, Togo and France. His works can be found in several international collections and publications on Beninese art.
Interested in more works of this artist?
View all available works in our catalog
- Solo exhibition, l’Espace culturelle Le Parking, Cotonou, Benin
- “The World = Dialogue” at OpenArtExchange, Schiedam (Rotterdam region), Netherlands
- Exposition personnel à la Galerie Alain DETTINGER, France
- Audience / Institut français – Cotonou, Benin
- Irréalités / Galerie R9 – Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, France
- Scénographie du spectacle Nuit de Parole, de Patrice Toton / Institut français – Cotonou, Benin
- Fenêtres / Galerie Farafina – Cotonou, Benin
- FInAB Tokp’Art fair (Cotonou/Benin), represented by OpenArtExchange
- C’est Benin en Majesté, Galerie Valoise – La librairue aux 4 vents, Dak’Art Biennale – OFF Dakar, Senegal
- ART The Hague (The Netherlands), represented by OpenArtExchange
- Nachtbrötchen Amsterdam (The Netherlands), represented by OpenArtExchange
- AKAA Paris, represented by OpenArtExchange, Netherlands
- Exposition collective, Galerie Vallois, Paris, France
- Exposition collective Au Salon du Livre Rare et de l’Objet d’Art à Paris (represented by Galerie Vallois)
- Vente au Enchère à La Maison Good Représenter par Versant Sud
- Exposition collectif du SPECIAL COVID-19 BOULEV’ART CHANTIER CREATIF au Centre Culturel Français- Cotonou
- Exposition collectif du SPECIAL COVID-19 BOULEV’ART au carrefour Ste Cécile Cotonou
- Exposition avec de la Galerie Vallois « LA OU L’ÂME SE PLAÎT » au FOYER DU CARROUSEL DU LOUVRE
- Exposition AFRIQUE au Château de Tanlay avec la galerie Vallois (Les impromptus du Bénin)
- Exposition collective « PANORAMA » au centre lobozounkpa
- Parcours des mondes Galerie VALLOIS (Les ASEN Art du Bénin)
- Exposition collective d’art contemporain « THE WEEK » organisé à la Maison rouge par HBMC
- Jouets et fétiches » à la Galerie Mathilde hatzenberger gallery Bruxelles/Belgique
- Exposition à la Galerie Vallois « Cotonou Paris Cotonou »
- Exposition collectives avec la galerie vallois « Ma Pas Ta » à la villa Arson / Nice
- Exposition à la FOIRE St’ART à Strasbourg par la galerie Mathilde hatzenberger gallery
- Exposition ART PARIS ART FAIR avec la galerie Vallois
- Exposition collective esclavage moderne à l’UNESCO Paris avec la galerie vallois
- Exposition esclavage moderne galerie VALLOIS Paris
- Exposition interférences à la galerie L’UAP rue de Fontenelle à Rouen
- OpenArtExchange gallery – Schiedam (Rotterdam region), Nederland
- Galerie Valois – Paris, France
- Ateliers des artistes – Rouen, Frankrijk
- L’un dans l’autre (Ateliers de Belleville) – Paris, Frankrijk
- UNIK – Abomey, Benin
- Village des Arts, Dak’Art Off – Dakar, Senegal
- Alain Charles DETTINGER
- La Galerie Vallois
- L‘Institut Français
- La Fondation Cartier
- Michael Raynor
- Louis de Strycker
- American embassy in Benin
- Françoise Movilliat