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Our values

Our values shape our culture at OpenArtExchange, guiding our efforts to merge art with business and champion diversity and cultural exchange. We aim to transform corporate cultures and encourage cross-sector collaboration by leveraging contemporary art as a catalyst for change. Our vision promotes a seamless integration of artistic and business communities, fostering a more inclusive global environment. Below, we explore our core values, underscoring our commitment to social responsibility and the future of art and business collaboration.


Have a vision, be authentic, be socially involved, have courage, but also deliver quality, be the best, be professional, have a consistent track record.


Live cultural exchange and collaboration between different cultures by actually doing, grant each other freedom, have mutual respect, be open minded, communicate, stack ideas, accept a certain friction and / or other opinions without necessarily losing your own vision or ending up in a tunnel vision.


Be willing to learn and let others learn, be open-minded, give and receive feedback, research and develop vision, reflect on art, society and leadership.


Be interested in the communities you are part of, know where you stand in the world and your local context, actively contribute to these communities, as artist-in-residence actively participate in the activities of the center, art develop (projects) that matter.


Balance mutually commitment, whether long-term and more exclusively driven (affiliated artists) or project driven (up-and-coming talent), have an eye for and act in each other’s interests, act based on openness and trust, be positively driven , have ownership for the bigger picture, be loyal to each other and / or the project.


Base behaviour on fairness and reasonableness, apply common sense whilst considering the human dimension, clarify mutual expectations in advance, say what you do and do what you say, have a transparent and fair remuneration structure for artists, employees and OpenArt Exchange as a whole (including profit-sharing scheme).


Make it fun and inspiring to work for or with OpenArtExhange, be an active part of OpenArtExchange community, facilitate a free flow of minds, foster openness and safety to experiment, be stimulating, be innovative, let new things happen, create something out of nothing, push boundaries, realize development as an individual and together.