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Mumpasi Meso

Schilder | Angola

Mumpasi Meso is de zoon van de Angolese schilder en mozaïekartiest Za Meso Mumpasi. Mumpasi is een meester in het orkestreren van kleuren en vormen met verschillende technieken en heeft zijn eigen handtekening daarin. 

 Mijn werk zoekt altijd naar nieuwe manieren om de menselijke natuur, emoties, ervaringen, gevoelens en inzichten te verkennen op een manier die mensen uit hun dagelijkse leven tilt."​


Kingsley Ogwara (1975) studied his bachelors in Fine and Applied Arts at Delta State University in Abrake, Nigeria and resides and works from Luxembourg, where he is a well recognised painter and sculptor. His paintings and sculptures in clay, stone, wood or metal consist of organic concave and convex forms, mostly (semi-)abstract and are inspired by African or European images and symbols.They center about human transformation and connection, about the freedom and harmony that can be  found in the masses. As such they rather express a state of mind than an extensive narrative.

Ogwara: “In our globalized world with its many issues, we each struggle individually to live our lives in a meaningful way. When we grow up, we build up our defenses, often based on fear and distrust, resulting from the inevitable hardships that life brings sometimes. However, life also brings unexpected compassion and new windows, and each hardship brings new insights, makes us reflect and grow. We all need to mature, overcome fear and distrust and open up our defenses to connect to each other, dare to be vulnerable to give and receive love. My works are about this transformation and interconnectedness”

His paintwork with knives in oil and acrylic on canvas are characterized by pointilistic abstract orchestrations of colors and rich textures, which seem to take on the form of masses of people. Ogwara typically  hides his initial images behind these thick pointilistic pastiche layers, which creates a lot of depth and suggestion. In his latest Icon-series, he experiments with adding some figurative element by allowing the initial portraits to shine through. 

 Ogwara has participated in many group- and solo exhibitions, amongst others in Luxemburg, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany and Austria. He was awarded amongst others the prestigious bi-annual Prix Pierre Werner for his paintings as best artist in Luxembourg in 2016. At the Luxembourg Art Week 2019, he was nominated again with his sculptures for the Grand-Duc Adolphe award and in 2022 again for the Prix Pierre Werner, which granted him the titular membership of CAL as the first African member in its history. Most recently, he showed for 6 months at the blockbuster exhibition “Gospel” at the historical Catharijne Convent museum in Utrecht (Netherlands). His paintings are included in collections all over the world.

Mumpasi Meso (1984), zoon van de Angolese schilder en mozaïekartiest Za Meso Mumpasi, ging als kind met zijn familie naar de DR Congo vanwege de strijd voor onafhankelijkheid en studeerde schilderkunst aan de Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Kinshasa, evenals batik bij Utexafrica, Kinshasa. Al tijdens zijn studie nam Mumpasi deel aan vele groeps- en solo-exposities in verschillende landen zoals Congo, Gabon, Angola, Italië, Spanje, Brazilië en Nederland.

Mumpasi is een meester in het orkestreren van kleuren en vormen met verschillende technieken en heeft zijn eigen handtekening daarin. Hij schildert voornamelijk portretten en figuren, waarin hij teruggaat naar de universele waarden en gevoelens van de mens en de spirituele verbinding van de mens met zijn omgeving. Zijn werk heeft verschillende prijzen gewonnen, en recentelijk won hij de prijs voor Beste Internationale Schilder op de prestigieuze VIII Internationale Salon van Plastische Kunsten, Cia Arte Cultura 2018, Sao Paulo / Brazilië.